Ciou, was born in Toulouse in 1981, she actually works and lives near the forest and the Atlantic ocean in France , after living in Bruxelles and Paris.
She succeeded to gain a relevant place int he world of contemporary Pop art and Pop Surréalism. The exhibition that gave her international visibility was in 2004 at the Flux Factory gallery in NewYork with the group show «Cute and Scary».

Since then she was exhibited all around the world: Japan, USA, Europe and Australia …
She is working since 2008 with the gallery KOCHXBOS in Amsterdam. They are working on several solo shows, curated show as Popland, and art fairs in the Netherlands.

She made her first solo show in Japan at Vanilla gallery in 2017 in Tokyo. The Museum of La Poste in Paris asked for a giant commission painting in 2021 . The painting «  this letter belongs to you « is now taking part to the french national collection in the museum in Paris . They also asked her to work on a 12 stamps booklet «Féérie Astrologique» for the french national Post too. She is actually working in several projects in USA, Europe and Japan .

Ciou approches in her work subject as nature, women, metamorphosis, paganism and magic. Her Style is the result of a massive hybridation of European, American, Mexican and of course Japanese culture. She is working with different materials as acrylic, watercolor, ink on paper on wood. She is working with Rotring pen the smallest one 0,1mm and she is using a magnifying glass. For her art everything is in small details.

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